Biological Resource Center, NITE (NBRC)

Notification of acquisition of the genetic resources in Japan


Pursuant to Chapter 5 of the ABS Guidelinesopen a page in a new window, NITE issues the documents concerning the acquisition of genetic resources in Japan called the “Notification of Acquisition of the Genetic Resources in Japan (‘Notification’)” NITE is authorized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industryopen a page in a new window as the organization that issues the Notification.

What is the Notification useful for?

The Notification can show that genetic resources have been acquired in Japan. It is useful when showing of the provenance of the genetic resources is required, for example, export or utilization of the genetic resources in another country. Having the Notification may make various processes faster and easier.

Sample Notification

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Conditions for issuance

All of the following conditions must be met for the issuance of the Notification.
Please refer to the Application Manualopen a page in a new window for the detailed application procedure.

Fees and Forms

Process Forms Examples Instructions Fee*
New issuance Application
[word 49KB]open a page in a new window
[word 51KB]open a page in a new window
[PDF 235KB]open a page in a new window
[PDF 207KB]open a page in a new window
[PDF 145KB]open a page in a new window
[PDF 108KB]open a page in a new window
JPY 20,700
Re-issuance Application
[word 49KB]open a page in a new window
Application Manual
【PDF 576KB】open a page in a new window
Application Manual
【PDF 576KB】open a page in a new window
JPY 6,000
Revision Application
[word 49KB]open a page in a new window
Application for Revision
JPY 6,000
Change of Intent for
Posting on Website
[word 48KB]open a page in a new window
No fee
Invalidation Application
[word 48KB]open a page in a new window
No fee
*Tax excluded
*Fees are paid for per application

List of the issued Notifications

The list of the “Notification of acquisition of the genetic resources” issued is available here.

Related Links

Contact us

 CBD Administration Division,  Biological Resource Center,  National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Phone number:+81-3-3481-1963
Address:2-49-10 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 1510066, Japan MAPopen a page in a new window
Contact Form