International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan)

One Stop Testing


One-Stop-Testing generally means the system under which test data obtained from one testing laboratory are accepted as valid worldwide.

If this One-Stop-Testing is once established globally, it can eliminate duplicating tests in international trade.

As a result, we will be able to enjoy various merits, such as, it can lower the costs of products and can shorten the time for products to come into the market.

For realization of the One-Stop-Testing, it is essential that laboratory accreditation system of each country should be conducted using the same international standards (criteria) all over the world.

Realization of the One-Stop-Testing

Contact us

International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan),  National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Phone number:+81-3-3481-1946
Fax number:+81-3-3481-1937
Address:2-49-10 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 1510066, Japan MAP
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