International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan)




IAJapan (International Accreditation Japan) is a governmental accreditation body that was established following a comprehensive review of accreditation programs for testing and calibration laboratories operated at NITE, with the recognition of a duty as the governmental accreditation body to respond to requests from industries, academies, and the government administrations.

Accreditation programs currently operated in IAJapan consist of JCSS (Japan Calibration Service System), JNLA (Japan National Laboratory Accreditation System), ASNITE (Accreditation System of NITE) and MLAP (Specified Measurement Laboratory Accreditation Program).

IAJapan aims at “One-Stop-Testing” through joining and maintaining of Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) of ILAC* /APAC for mutual acceptance of test/calibration results or characteristic values of Reference Materials, ultimately contribution to free trade around the world.

* The ILAC-MRA mark has been registered. [International registration number: 840857]

  1. 1. Accreditation body being a signatory to ILAC-MRA and being a contractual partner to the Agreement for the use of the ILAC MRA Mark,
  2. 2. Laboratory accredited and being granted a permission by accreditation body fulfilling the clause 1,

Nobody shall use the ILAC-MRA mark except the preceding two clauses.
Also, IAJapan is the signatory to multilateral recognition arrangements (MLA) of APAC as well as International Accreditation Forum (IAF).

IAJapan policies on accreditation activity

The International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan) shall act in accordance with this policy in order to provide and promote "accreditation" based on international rules.
  1. 1. IAJapan is committed to maintaining its competence as an accreditation body into the future in order to continue to provide authoritative accreditation that earns the trust of society and customers.
  2. 2. IAJapan will always keep in mind the requirements set forth in international standards and international mutual recognition, strive for constant improvement, and consistently operate the management system.
  3. 3. IAJapan will approach its accreditation activities with due care, maintaining impartiality, independence, and confidentiality.
  4. 4. IAJapan will respond to social and policy needs for accreditation in a timely manner, provide accreditation services (programs) in response to those needs, and promote awareness of conformity assessment, including accreditation.
    • We are accepting complaints/appeals. Please contact Quality Manager (Mail: Contact Form).
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Contact us

International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan),  National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Phone number:+81-3-3481-1946
Fax number:+81-3-3481-1937
Address:2-49-10 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 1510066, Japan MAPopen a page in a new window
Contact Form