PRTR Estimation Manuals
PRTR estimation manuals are prepared by the government and the industries respectively for the purpose of the business operators to calculate the release amounts of chemical substances they handle.
Manual for PRTR Release Estimation Methods
(Prepared by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ministry of the Environment, January 2004)
*The PRTR estimation manual by the government is revised regularly. The latest version (ver.5.0) of the manual is Japanese only.
The following "PRTR Estimation Manuals" have been prepared by respective industries. They have been compiled by the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan, Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) and the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan. The manuals from 1 through 22 were prepared in FY 2000 and revised in FY 2004. Those from 23 through 26 were prepared in FY 2001 and from 27 through 29 in FY 2004.
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