Biological Resource Center, NITE (NBRC)

About Human GatewayTM Entry Clones


Announcement of the termination of DNA resources distribution services.

Fig. 1 The human GatewayTM entry clones were constructed by cloning of PCR-amplified open reading frame (ORF) fragments from full-length human cDNA clones or other resource cDNAs. There are two kinds of human GatewayTM entry clones, "N-type" and "F-type". The difference between them are:
  • N-type:N-type clones that have an intrinsic stop codon for the production of native or N-terminal fusion proteins.
  • F-type:F-type clones that do not have an intrinsic stop codon for C-terminal fusion proteins.

The DNA fragment cloned into an GatewayTM entry clone can be moved into one or more destination vectors simultaneously by GatewayTM technology. For more information about GatewayTM technology, please visit the website of Thermo Fisher Scientific(

[Note] NBRC does not distribute destination vectors and LR clonase.
Please contact to dealers and life technologies or its agent for destination vectors and LR clonase respectively.

Clone Information

Map of human Gateway entry clone (N-type)

Native-type clone that have an intrinsic stop codon for the production of native or N-terminal fusion protein(s).

Map of human Gateway entry clone (F-type)

Fusion-type clone that do not have an intrinsic stop codon for C-terminal fusion protein(s).

(*) SD (Shine-Dalgarno sequence) + Kz (Kozak sequence): TCGAAGGAGATAGAACC

Clone Information

Human GatewayTM entry clone
plasmid ds-DNA (2,273 + Insert length bp)
pUC origin
Eshcherichia coli K-12 (LE DH5αTM supplied from Life technologies is recommended)

Clone Sequence

Show sequence update: 2013/01/29

Native-type clone that have an intrinsic stop codon for the production of native or N-terminal fusion protein(s).

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Important Notice

  1. 1.Human GatewayTM entry clones are protected by Limited Use Label License No.358: Research Use Only [PDF:8KB]. By opening the package, you are agreeing to be bound by this label lisence.
  2. 2.Since the sequences and annotations of human GatewayTM entry clones are obtained experimentally, you should understand that any mistakes of them cannot be eliminated completely.
  3. 3.If you have problems in human GatewayTM entry clone(s) that you receive, please contact to us, [email protected], within thirty days.

GatewayTM is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.

Contact us

 Culture Collection Division,  Biological Resource Center,  National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Phone number:+81-438-20-5763
Address:2-5-8 Kazusakamatari, Kisarazu-shi, Chiba 2920818, Japan MAP
Contact Form